Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
The project applicant is the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU,, the largest and oldest technical university in Slovakia with a renowned science and research base, experienced researchers and pedagogues, operating a systematically developed network of scientific libraries. Scientific research and higher education are provided by 7 faculties and 9 university centers. STU has 16 registered patents and a number of utility models.
The university’s “Office for Cooperation with Practice” was founded to be in charge of protecting the intellectual property of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (hereinafter also “FEI STU”, has 411 employees (of which 32 professors, 47 associate professors, 88 teaching fellows and 100 researchers) and 184 students in 10 doctoral programs and is the largest faculty of electrical engineering in the Slovak Republic. FEI STU departments are focused on information and communication technologies, applied informatics, electrical engineering, physical and nuclear engineering, electrical power engineering, automotive mechatronics, robotics and cybernetics, microelectronics and photonics. It will be particularly the Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics (ÚRK FEI STU) which will mainly be involved in the project. FEI STU is also involved in the project of the University Science Park of STU in Bratislava. It has long been successful in obtaining grants under various national and international schemes. Currently, 33 projects from APVV grants, 38 VEGA and 12 KEGA grants are investigated at the faculty, while the faculty participates in 2 projects from the calls of the Ministry of Education, Science and Research and Sports for research and development incentives for entrepreneurs. Of the foreign grants, 11 Horizon 2020 projects, 6 projects from the 7th EU Framework Program and 7 projects from other schemes (Leonardo, NATO, DAAD, CEEPUS, COST, bilateral cooperations) are investigated. In the 2007-2013 programming period, FEI STU was involved in more than 20 projects supported by the Operational Program Research and Development. FEI STU is also involved in a number of international research consortia (especially through the H2020 and 7. Framework Program) and national research centers (especially through projects supported by the OP R&D). The National Robotics Center, which was founded in 2015 under the auspices of FEI STU, also operates at the faculty. The National Robotics Center is mainly involved in research projects dedicated to cooperation with practice.
Applicant – STU
AerobTec, s.r.o.
Aerobtec s.r.o. ( was founded in 2011 on the premises of the University Incubator of the Slovak University of Technology by two doctoral students and their supervisor. From the very beginning, the company was engaged in R&D activities in the field of robotics, automation, especially unmanned aerial vehicles (drones). During its operation up to date, the company has brought to the market highly innovative products and solutions that were the result of the collective R&D activities of the team. Examples include a unique innovation for the Volkswagen Slovakia manufacturing plant in Bratislava – an automatic folding tool cleaning machine, certified altimeters for F5J FAI competitions, black boxes for mining locomotives, monitoring equipment for grazing livestock offering classification of performed activity, power systems and FOC drive units for drones with predictive diagnostics or control electronics for drones in industrial environments. AerobTec is the originator of a single patent and utility model for direct use in automotive industry, and another patent is currently pending (fiber optic light pulse counter). The company actively cooperates with several R&D organizations in Slovakia and internationally, such as the University of New England, the International Aviation Federation FAI, and Volkswagen Slovakia. The company’s employees publish in leading world titles, including journals registered in the Current Contents database. AerobTec, s.r.o. has an established and certified quality management system according to the STN EN ISO 9001: 2015 standards. The company also operates infrastructure necessary for the successful implementation of the necessary R&D activities, it also has access to the infrastructure of the National Robotics Center under the Memorandum of Cooperation.
Partner 01 – AerobTec, s.r.o.
Medirex Group Academy, n.o. (hereinafter „MGA“) (
is a scientific-research and educational non-profit organization with activities focused on public-interest science and research in the field of biomedicine and the associated educational support focusing primarily on humanity biomedical fields. The organization has a long track record in the field of molecular diagnostics research, which will be utilized to investigate the project activities. Moreover, MGA holds a certificate of competence to conduct research and development. MGA team has several years of experience in implementation of research projects (projects funded by the Operational Program Research and Development – 3 successfully implemented projects, as well as its own in-house projects), where it primarily focuses on research in biomedicine and development of new diagnostic methods and procedures in biomedicine, with a focus on genetics and genomics, metabolomics, proteomics, diagnostics and prevention of oncological and lifestyle diseases. The following are among MGA’s most important projects:
Completion of technical infrastructure in the field of research of diagnostic procedures and methods within the early diagnosis of the most common types of cancer in women, ITMS 26210120026, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (1.1.2013- 18.11.2014)
Research center for severe diseases and their complications, ITMS 26240120038, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (13.02.2014 – 31.12.2015)
Completion of a multidisciplinary center for biomedical research – BIOMEDIRES, ITMS 26210120041, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (20.06.2015-31.12.2015).
In addition to the above projects, MGA has carried out several research studies funded from its own sources: HPVSCREEN (2.2017-6.2018), LadyCare Study (2.2015-3.2019). The aim is to leverage the results of research in clinical practice, implement the knowledge of science and biomedical research and apply them in diagnostic and therapeutic practice. Given the rapid development of technological infrastructure and ICT, the organization is aware of the need to link biomedical research with bioinformatics and digital technologies as well. Last but not least, the implementation of multidisciplinary research across various fields related to biomedicine is also among MGA’s priorities. MGA is also actively involved in international research projects and supports the transfer of know-how of international research groups and academic institutions to its own research activities, and activities of the Center of Excellent Research, currently under development. To achieve its objectives, MGA cooperates with renowned Slovak scientists and researchers while establishing partnerships with the leading stakeholders in academia and laboratory services across Slovakia (e.g. Comenius University Bratislava, UPJŠ Košice, STU Bratislava, etc.) and abroad (e.g. universities in Germany, France, Great Britain; Labor Limbach & Kollegen, Heidelberg; MVZ for Zytology and Molecular Biology Frankfurt, GbR (CytoMol), Frankfurt, DE; SPADIA lab, as, Ostrava, Czech Republic, ALAB Laboratories, Poland).
Contact person:
Mgr. Diana Ďuricová
Tel. no.: +421 908 290 376
University of Žilina
The Žilina University in the city of Žilina (UNIZA) has been a stable Slovak scientific research organization since its founding 65 years ago. Its main activity profile focuses on the field of transport, intelligent transport systems, ICT, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. The current key scientific personnel of the applicant are a team of internationally recognized experts. This team is composed of scientists with long track record of working for the organization. The university operates an extensive research infrastructure enabling the implementation of research activities. This also includes research team with experience in the relevant field. The research background consists of the University Scientific Park, the Research Center of the University of Žilina and the research base of the technical faculties of the University. Based on the previous results of science and research activities, projects funded by national and international grant schemes, projects funded under EU structural funds including the University Scientific Park, University Research Center and the established excellent centers, the priority research areas at the University of Žilina include intelligent transport systems including transport, means of transport, transport routes, Smart Cities, forecasting and modeling of transport systems, intelligent manufacturing systems covering industry, manufacturing, materials, the Factory of the Future, product, technology and service innovation in line with the principles of Industry 4.0; security with elements of building a comprehensive corporate security, crisis management and protection of persons, property, information and the environment, increasing the level of security of critical infrastructure.
The applicant’s key scientific capacities represent a team of world-renowned experts. This team is composed of scientists whose work in the applicant’s organization can be identified with UNIZA’s long-standing focus. The activities of these experts have greatly contributed to the significant development of the organization in Slovakia as well as to ensure its international recognition especially in terms of implementation of procedures established in international research and development institutions and foreign universities respectively. These experts represent the core of the R&D team at UNIZA and currently achieve global quality indicators in terms of evaluation of R&D activities. In addition to these experts, UNIZA operates state-of-the-art technical laboratory equipment specialized in the field of air transport, where UNIZA has more than 65 years of tradition dating back to former Czechoslovakia.
Partner 03 – University of Žilina